Sunday, November 1, 2009

god, Im thankful for all the friends you gave me♥

A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
Your friend is the person who knows all about you, and still like you.
Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows. 
A true friend sticks with you through thick and thin no matter what.

Who finds a faithful friend, finds a treasure.
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.
boyfriends stab you in the heart friends stab you  
in the back but best friends NEVER carry knives

God made us best friends because he knew that our moms couldn’t handle us as sisters

(pictures got error, ill post it up later)

October birthdays

hello there people. miss me? haha
i would like to dedicate this post to lots of people who got their birthday this month

03  -   Nadira Amanda

07  -   Maria Samantha Advincula

10  -   Tafya Nailatika

11  -  Alex ArredondoRifqi Oktavio SofwanScott Ross

13  -   Egytania Hassnal, Gauzan Dwiputra, Geby FondaMuthia MaulizarReza Dwisurya

14  -  Corey Bottensek
16  -  
Ismail FahmiIvan Bastian, Muhammad Umar Crispy

17  -   Justin Allsopp
20  -  
Michael Palafos, Ramzi Pandu

23  -  Andrea Lana Advincula, Rifky Aufa
25  - 
 Chris ChackoMitch BoulltSavannah Hitzel

27  -  Sara VianaTessa Talitha

28  -  Finesse Shafina, Franciscus Gautama SudihardjoRirin Permataa Sari

29  -  Hezron Yerido

30  -  Allan WangCyndi Ou

31  -  Seble Ghebremicael, William

Happy birtday you guys, sorry i didnt get to send an individual post for each of ya, cause that'll take for ever! I love you guys! <3 hope yall's birthday were as how yall expected!  (: have a great one
